Blossom joined Accents at its inception in 2014 after delivering Spotlight, a £7m creative youth arts facility for Poplar HARCA.
With a keen interest in re-imagining the role of local assets in socio-economic area growth, Blossom leads on Accents projects that lever underused resources to generate new opportunities and to empower communities to thrive. She is currently leading the delivery of Poplar Works, a £6m multi-faceted fashion hub, and the first phases of Accents’ industrial strategy for the Lower Lea. Blossom developed the first iteration of the award-winning Open Poplar programme and oversees its ongoing development.
Previously, Blossom spent 15 years working in youth and community engagement and youth policy across public and voluntary sectors, including senior roles at the British Youth Council, UK Youth Parliament and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
Blossom is a member of Future of London’s Steering Group and helps to coordinate their Alumni Network.